It’s the Month of LOVE!

The month where you and I celebrate people we love. It’s the month where we acknowledge that we have people in our lives that we care about.  The month that reminds us how important it is to have the ones we love to be with us.  With the Valentine’s Day coming up soon I am sure you are thinking of getting something for your loved ones. Showing how much you care about them. Sharing some beautiful moments together. Spreading this wonderful message of love.

As you share this love with people you care about, let’s make this special month more loving by sharing, showing, spreading this message of love towards all living beings, even the ones who cannot speak or share their feelings.

Here are some tips on how you can make your Valentine’s Day CRUELTY FREE and VEGAN FRIENDLY.

  1. CHOCOLATES: Make the right choice when you go buy chocolates for your loved ones.  Make sure the chocolate is vegan and also is free of child labor. Check out a list of recommended Food Empowerment Project’s Chocolate List at  Food Empowerment Project- Chocolate List.
  2. COSMETICS: If you wish to buy cosmetics please make sure they are vegan products. Make sure there are no animal products in your cosmetics and they are not tested on animals. Here is a complete cruelty free, bunny friendly Vegan Beauty Guide.
  3. CANDLES: I know some of you may opt for buying candles at this time as well. Did you know most of the candles use animal products? But it is still easy to find Vegan Candles here.
  4. DESSERTS: If you love desserts like I do look out for plenty of VEGAN baking options. Here is a Vegan Baking Cheat Sheet which will help you replace all your regular ingredients with vegan friendly ingredients and viola you will have a VEGAN CAKE!
  5. CREATIVE: It would be better if you could just make something yourself. There is no better gift than making something yourself! Check out this Heart Healthy Menu for the Valentine’s Day.
  6. EAT OUT: If you plan to eat out with your loved ones on Valentine’s Day keep the animal products off your plate. Try to look up places where you can find Vegan food. You can find all your vegan friendly restaurants here.
  7. MORE GIFTS: Flowers did cross your mind when you thought of your love. Right?  Well how about this year you bring in a small plant that you can nourish and watch it grow with you and your loved one.  You can buy a small plant that can be kept indoors and may be moved out during spring/summer times. When you go buy a plant be mindful and don’t buy the ones that use the pesticides that kill bees.
  8. TIME: I put it last here in my list but it is one of the most precious gift you can give anyone.  You can visit a sanctuary and spend some time with another living being. You can also volunteer and rescue animals. TIME is the most priceless gift of all.

When it comes to spreading love, there is nothing in this world that is SMALL or LITTLE. Every little thing you do counts.  It may look small to you but to the person/animal receiving that love and compassion may mean an experience of a lifetime.  I have captured very few examples of what you can do this Valentine’s Day to make it vegan friendly and there are so many more ways to say “I Love You” to the one you love.  So go right ahead and while you share your love with the one you know, also take the time to share it with the living beings that deserve to be free and happy and are waiting for you to touch their lives.


The essence of all knowledge consists in not committing violence. The doctrine of Ahimsa is nothing but the observance of equality i.e. the realization that just as I do not like misery, others also do not like it. Knowing this, one should not kill anybody.” – Bhagwan Mahavir

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